martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Morocco Army has besieged Dakhla in Western Sahara. Moroccan settlers burn a House of a Sahrawi family.

The clashes in the city of Dakhla began at 12 noon today, nothing more know the news of the death of the young Sahrawi, Maishan Mohamed Lamin, wounded at the hospital in the city, since that last night, he was brutally attacked by several Moroccan settlers.

of Sahrawi people took to the streets and were juntandose in the neighborhoods of Sahrawi majority called Um Tunsi, Errahma, Esalam, and the neighborhood of 64, found in the South of the city's airport.

Saharawi population of neighborhoods with Moroccan dominance, on the other side of the city, have been fleeing progressively their homes and moving to other districts, to see how their Moroccan neighbors, settlers, looted throughout the later houses of Saharan families, all destrozandolo, burning cars and shops.

the afternoon and still continues, the Moroccan settlers are patrolling the streets of the city along with the police, both are protected by the Moroccan Army.

the rededor of 18: 00 h, several Moroccan settlers along with the police, have fired firearms against groups of Saharans who were resisting in the streets. At that time, seems that it has been hurt a police Moroccan, after being shot by mistake by a colleague.

is in the city of Dakhla breathes, much remembers what happened in the city of Laayoune during the aftermath of the brutal dismantling of Gdeim Izik.

the moment, except these 4 neighbourhoods (Um Tunsi, Errahma, Esalam and 64), the city is taken by the Moroccan Army, leaving no moving through the streets to anyone, and leave their homes, except for the groups of Moroccan settlers who patrol with police.

are dozens of wounded and detainees but unknown numbers and the names of the persons concerned.

than 10 minutes ago, Moroccan settlers have lit fire to Sahrawi House family Hanoun, near the neighborhood of 64. Under the supervision of the Moroccan security forces.

city of Dakhla is totally besieged by the Moroccan Army and the only access to the city, the road that goes from Boujdour, is cut to civilian vehicles.

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